Dear co-workers in Christ,
We are all aware of the grave problem of the abuse of children that exists within our society. Each of us must do all that we can to help protect those children entrusted to us. This is especially important for those who work and minister in the church. As a critical part of our safe environment policy for young people, the Diocese of Pittsburgh has created a centralized electronic database of those who work and minister in the church and who have contact with young people under the age of 18. To create this secured database, all who have contact with youth at SSPP parish and school are now required to create an electronic file by completing an application on line. This includes any clergy, religious, employee, or volunteer in the parish/school who have contact with youth in their work or ministry.
The centralized diocesan database is our means to ensure that the church, locally and nationally, not only fulfills the mandate of the church in the united stated as outlined by the Charter and young people and the clear requirements of the 2004 Diocesan Policy, but also meets the requirement for state and federal law.
Most important, this centralized database is vital to sustaining a safe environment for our children throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh. We can expect nothing less of ourselves as we need not only to fulfill mandates, but indeed to be the standard bearer in society for the protection of young people.
Completing the application that will create your file for the database will take about 20 – 30 minutes of your time. If you have access to the Internet at home, work, or at the local library, you can complete the application on- line. If you do not have Internet access, or do not feel comfortable completing the application on- line download a copy of the application, fill it out and return it to Saints Peter and Paul Parish. Instructions on how to access the database can be found by clicking on the links below.
Ten easy steps to create your electronic file
Diocese of Pittsburgh online database
In addition to the database, a PA Child Abuse Clearance form and a signed acknowledgement of receipt reporting of child abuse and the Child Protection Services Law of Pennsylvania must be completed. Click here for the Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance Form. The ‘acknowledgement of receipt’ can be found on the last page of the ‘Reporting of Child Abuse and the Child Protective Services law of Pennsylvania booklet’ available in pdf form.
Bishop David Zubik
All essential documents can be viewed in PDF form on the Diocesan website @